Criminal Defense
If you have been charged with a crime, you probably have numerous questions.
You may be wondering, “What is going to happen?” or “What do I do next?” or even “How much is this going to cost?”
As an attorney specializing in criminal defense cases, I can help you answer those questions. I understand that your case is not just another case making its way through the criminal justice system. You’re an individual and you deserve an individualized approach to your case. Your life and personal story matter.
That’s why hiring an attorney is an important decision and one you should not take lightly. You need an attorney who will do everything possible to ensure you are treated fairly and that your rights and liberty are protected. You need a law firm who will represent you as an individual and not just the cookie-cutter criminal defendant. We are that law firm!
The Jackson Law Firm is dedicated to providing zealous criminal defense representation to its clients in the following areas:
- Misdemeanor Defense
- Felony Defense
- Probation Revocation Hearings (MTR)
- Early Release from Probation Hearings
- Bond Setting/Reduction Hearings
- Expunctions (Erasing Records)
- Non Disclosures (Sealing Records)
- Occupational Driver’s License Hearings
We are here to meet your legal needs.
Contact Us
Contacting us does not establish an attorney-client relationship. The attorney-client relationship can only be established after we have determined that we are able and willing to accept the engagement and a written engagement agreement has been agreed to by both parties. Do not send any confidential information. Information sent prior to the establishment of an attorney-client relationship may not be treated as confidential, and will not be protected from disclosure. Jackson Law Firm may represent other parties which are adverse to the sender of such information.